Consistent design across teams with React, Styled Component, Storybook, & Prettier

5 min readApr 19, 2020


There is nothing more irritating than making a card and inspecting the card again for shadows and radius that you might have used in it. The worst-case being redesigning the card because you did not know it existed. Or maybe some of your team members using double quotes for string declaration while 80% of the code using single quotes.

It is not the language that makes programs appear simple. It is the programmer that make the language appear simple! -Robert C. Martin, Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

Let’s dive into the implementation without technical jargon ❤.

Step 1. Setting Up React

Here we use the community’s favorite create-react-app with typescript flag. We’ll neither of typescript or create-react-app are a necessity for the project. CRA removes a huge burden of setting up ESLint, WebPack, and Babel so that you can focus more on coding. Nonetheless, if you want to set up react from scratch here’s a link to my repo. And we use typescript because it help’s us write self-documenting code and a safer environment with fewer errors. Type the following command to get yourself started.

npx create-react-app test-application

Next up create 2 files .eslintrc and .eslintignore . Add build/* in your eslintignore. This will tell eslint, not to the lint build folder. And as of now copy-paste the eslintConfig block from package.json into .eslintrc

Tip: Most IDEs have plugins for ESLint Prettier and Styled Components. Installing them could help you a lot as they prompt for errors as you code.

Step 2. Setting Up Styled Components

Screenshot from Official Website Explaining why to use Styled Components so that I don’t have to

Well now that you are convinced about it. Let’s dive into setting it up.

npm install styled-components
npm install @types/styled-components --save-dev

Creating your first Styled Component

Files to create:
src/GlobalStyle.ts: This file will contain all the Global Styles analogous to index.css
src/components/Typography/Heading.tsx: Our first Styled Component. We will define how our H1, H2… should look like.
Let’s now dive into codes.

* GlobalStyle.ts: Font Raleway has been src into index.html
import { createGlobalStyle } from 'styled-components'export default createGlobalStyle`body {padding: 0;margin: 0;overflow-x:hidden!important;font-family: Raleway, sans-serif;}

Now we’ll set up a Global Color Pallet so that we don’t find a different shade of blue, green on every page.

* index.tsx: Here we use Theme Provider that under the hood uses the * context to provide theme object throughout the react app.
import React from 'react'import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'import App from './App'import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker'import GlobalStyle from './GlobalStyle'
const theme = {primary: 'black',secondary: 'white',secondaryDark: '#0077c2',acmBlue: '#0077c2'}ReactDOM.render(<ThemeProvider theme={theme}><GlobalStyle /><React.StrictMode> <App /> </React.StrictMode></ThemeProvider>,document.getElementById('root'))serviceWorker.unregister()

Next Up. Let’s create the styled component

* Heading.tsx: The file takes a varient as parameter and then renders the heading tag with appropriate size.
import styled from 'styled-components'interface PROPTYPES {varients: numbertheme: any}const getFontSizeBasedOnVarient = (varients: number) => {switch (varients) {case 1: return '5rem'case 2: return '4rem'case 3: return '3rem'case 4: return '2rem'default: return '1rem'}}const Heading = styled.h1<{ varients: number }>`color: ${(props: PROPTYPES) => props.theme.primary};font-size: ${(props: PROPTYPES) => getFontSizeBasedOnVarient(props.varients, props.mediaQueryType)};font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;font-weight: 900;`export default Heading

All Done. Now we’ll be able to use it in our App.tsx like this

import React from 'react'import Heading from './components/Typography/Heading'function App() {
return (<Heading varients={1}>This is heading, One</Heading>)
export default App

Step 3: Setting up storybook

Hufft. Tired? We’re almost there!! To show how useful storybooks can be. Here’s a link to Coursera's branding guidelines. Promise this section will be swift. A detailed explanation can be found here.

Firstly run npx -p @storybook/cli sb init. This will autodetect the framework you use and set up a storybook for you. After it completes. You will have a .storybook folder and /src/stories folder. Create a file named Typography.stories.tsx in the stories folder.

* src/stories/Typography.tsx
import React from 'react'import Heading from '../components/Typography/Heading'export default { title: 'Typography',component: Heading}export const Heading1 = () => <Heading varients={1}>This is heading 1 with 5 rem</Heading>export const Heading2 = () => <Heading varients={2}>This is heading 2 with 4 rem</Heading>export const Heading3 = () => <Heading varients={3}>This is heading 3 with 3 rem</Heading>export const Heading4 = () => <Heading varients={4}>This is heading 3 with 2 rem</Heading>export const DeafultTag = () => <Heading varients={5}>This is the default </Heading>

All DONE!! run npm run storybook to view your story.

Step 4. Setting up Prettier

To set up the necessary items run npm i prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier. Next up create a .prettierrc file in the root and paste the following contents. You can enable more content if you want, have a look at all of them here.

{"arrowParens": "always","semi": false,"tabWidth": 2,"singleQuote": true,"printWidth": 120,"endOfLine": "crlf"}

Lastly, we will modify our .eslinrc to let us know if we are not following the pattern the workspace has set. Paste the following content in your .eslintrc

{"extends": ["react-app", "prettier", "prettier/react"],"parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2018 },"env": { "commonjs": true, "es6": true, "node": true },"plugins": ["jsx-a11y", "prettier"],"rules": {"linebreak-style": "off","no-plusplus": [2,{ "allowForLoopAfterthoughts": true }],"react/jsx-filename-extension": [1, { "extensions": [".ts", ".tsx"]]}}
You deserve a pat on the back if you made it till here ❤ ❤

Hope you learned something new. You can find all the source code. With some automation on how to deploy your storybooks automatically in the below link.

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Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of, do the things no one can imagine.